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"This job is about achieving results for the people of our town"

Public Safety

Protecting our town, protecting our property

  • Erica will work with the Chief of Police to emphasize mental health & wellness for our officers, who nationally face higher rates of mental health concerns.

  • She will work with officers to increase visibility in our communities, in order to foster trust and improve transparency.

  • Erica will work with Mayors along the R5 corridor, along with SEPTA and Amtrak police and local law enforcement, to address the spread of illegal drugs to our communities.

Environmental Resilience

Protecting our Homes and Environment

  • Committed to working with Borough Council, along with Federal, State and Local agencies to protect our property and businesses

  • Erica will work with local businesses to promote sustainable infrastructure, such as permeable concrete, to help with flooding 

  • Erica will promote a "One Act of Environmental Kindness" program, where our good neighbors will be encouraged to complete one act of environmental service each day.

Vibrant Downtown

Bringing people together

  • Erica is committed to actively listening to, and collaborating with, local businesses to improve community engagement, and maintain a business-friendly environment.

  • Priorities include enhancing streetscapes and public spaces, working with local and state agencies to improve traffic congestion and downtown parking management, including a modernization of parking infrastructure.

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